Famously known for his role as Chandler on NBC sitcom “Friends”, Matthew Perry was recently hospitalized for three months for a gastrointestinal perforation. This condition occurs when a hole forms all the way through the stomach, large bowel, or small intestine. Symptoms include sudden and severe abdominal pain and tenderness, nausea, vomiting, and lack of appetite. To get additional insight into the situation, Self magazine interviewed Dr. Anton Bilchik about gastrointestinal perforation, in which he commented,
Someone will have a tense and rigid stomach with severe pain…It’s usually not subtle. In some rare cases, you may not need surgery and can just be treated with antibiotics. But most of the time, emergency surgery is necessary to remove and repair a small part of the intestine.
Dr. Anton Bilchik also discussed the expected recovery period, which you can read in detail in the full article from Self magazine.
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