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A Quick Look at Breast Cancer Awareness

We’ve all seen the ribbons and the pink events for breast cancer, but how many women know what they need to do to detect breast cancer? If you have a history of any type of cancer in your family, you are probably aware and make sure that you have the tests you need. If you don’t know anything about breast cancer or what to do to detect it, Anton Bilchik MD can help you learn more about early detection.

Breast Self-Exams — This is a simple monthly procedure you can do while you are in the shower. It just takes a few moments to extend your hand above your head and use your other hand to feel your breast. If you notice any areas that have a lumpy or odd texture, or experience any pain as you touch your breast, you should schedule a mammogram.

Mammograms — These tests are non-invasive and only moderately uncomfortable for a few moments. Mammograms used to be advised for women over 35, but women who have a family history of breast cancer usually begin getting these screenings at age 18. This exam can be included with your yearly female exam.

Detection of breast cancer is the first step in treating and defeating this form of cancer. Follow Anton Bilchik MD to find out more about cancer, cancer detection, research and treatments. Dr. Bilchik is one of America’s leading cancer surgeons, and he dedicates his time to giving patients the best possible chance at defeating cancer.

February 25, 2014