After a recent study conducted by the American Cancer Society showed a rise of colon cancer among millennials, ABC7-LA interviewed Dr. Anton Bilchik to get an understanding of why this was occurring. When asked what could be contributing to this increase, Dr. Anton Bilchik said,
“…the thought is that it may well be related to lifestyle, obesity and possibly even different types of cancer.”
That being said, he also added,
“The incidence is increasing in young people and no one knows why.”
Colon cancer is typically associated with individuals over the age of 50, so this new research has definitely opened the eyes of millennials born after 1990. Although this new study doesn’t warrant an immediate need for colonoscopies and stool tests, Dr. Bilchik did say,
“If you’re having symptoms such as stomach pain, rectal bleeding, weight loss or if you have a family history, then a colonoscopy should be considered.”
At the conclusion of the interview, when asked what can be done to prevent the risk of colon cancer, Dr. Bilchik said,
“If millennials can improve the way they eat, not smoke – and that’s the other important factor – and increase their level of activity, they can reduce the chance of getting colon cancer enormously”
Video Source by ABC7-LA